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5 Steps to Finding a New Job in 2015!


Set Long and Short Term Career Goals:

The most successful job seekers develop a long-term career path. Take the time to determine where you want to be, professionally, in 5-10 years. From there you will be better positioned to know what small steps you need to take to get there.

Build Your Resume:

Your resume is a living document. Keep your long-term career goals in mind and take on projects and positions that will help move your closer to achieving those goals. As you learn new skills or take on more responsibilities be sure to add them to your resume.

Develop Your Professional Network:

To tap into the hidden job market it is important to have good connections. Using social media to build a network is one way to do it – but it in no way replaces getting out in your community and meeting people. Volunteer and be active!

Use Your Resources Wisely:

There are countless resources available to support your job search. Know what they are and how they can best support you. To get the best results you will want to use a variety of resources including staffing firms, job boards and community programs.

Interview With Confidence:

Take the time to research the company, their goals and their culture. This will allow you to ask good questions and be able to speak about how you can best support the organization. Being prepared will demonstrate you genuine interest in the position and their business. 

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