What Is A Market Engagement Manager?

I am responsible for managing the marketing and communications efforts for all Manpower offices in Maine. This includes using a variety of marketing platforms to let people know what positions we have available at any given time, to explain to businesses why Manpower Associates are the best in the world and just overall to get the community to engage in conversations about the world of work.

I love that every day I get to be creative, try new things and find innovative ways to provide the best brand experience to all those that choose to work with Manpower.

What Do You Like Most About Manpower? 

I have never worked for a company that treats everyone with such a high-level of respect, no matter how they’ve connected, whether as a job-seeker or as a high-level executive looking for staffing assistance. I remember when I first joined the Manpower team, a little over a year ago; I was kind of taken aback by how often team members said thank you to each other and how they supported each other. The level of respect and comradery is not just a face that is put on in public, it is one that radiates through each and every one of our offices every single day. 

What Is The Hardest Part Of Your Job? 

I have to say, I really think I have the best job in the world because every day is different and I also get to be creative. If I have to choose something, I guess it would be getting distracted. A lot of my job revolves around social media and it is easy to get sidetracked. In addition, being a creative person ideas are constantly flowing so sometimes I have to put my headphones on and force myself to focus on one project. 

Best Professional Accomplishment? 

I feel fortunate to have had the ability to build a successful career even with the obstacles I have faced. I was unable to attend college after school and one of the first places I went to get work was Manpower. For a summer I did several temporary, administrative jobs and then moved on to find employment waitressing, then to sales, and sales ended up morphing into marketing. While I know that I worked hard to get to where I am, I also have a ton of respect for the organizations I have worked for that were willing to help me grow and take a risk on me. 

Favorite Place In Maine? 

Really? I have to narrow it down to one? I am going to break the rules and give you two! First and foremost, and without question, Lewiston. While it is no secret that we have had our challenges over the course of time, this community is amazing. We have so many caring people in our city that are working tirelessly to make it great. We have arts, culture, amazing restaurants and all around great people. And, then I just love the greater Houlton area! My husband’s family is from up there and I fell in love with the area the first time I visited. The scenery is breathtaking, so much opportunity for adventure and the people are just some of the kindest individuals in the world! 

Favorite Quote

 Listening To Now

Whether You Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right.

Henry Ford

Can’t Blame A Girl For Trying.

          Sabrina Carpenter 

 Favorite Book

 Superhero Power


A Thousand Splendid Suns

Khaled Hosseini

Answering The World’s Questions

Google Girl

Weirdest Thing On My Desk

Pet’s Name

Plastic Cat

Post-It Note Holder


The Siamese Cat