heidi, Author at Manpower Maine - Page 5 of 9

Author: heidi



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Social Media Quick Apply Form

Sometimes we want to express interest in a job we saw on social media, but may not have the time right at that moment for a lengthy application process. This quick apply feature is designed to make expressing interest in our jobs as easy as possible! By providing your information, you are saying you are interested in hearing from a Manpower Recruiter.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Abbott Associate Policies in French

Note importante:

  • Toutes les questions liées à l’emploi doivent être adressées à Manpower. Cela inclut, mais n’est pas limité à :
  • Tout ce qui concerne la rémunération/rémunération
  • Tout ce qui concerne la durée de la mission, le calendrier ou les modifications
  • Questions ou informations concernant les prestations, les assurances, la MEPL, etc.

Les demandes de congé doivent passer par Manpower Tout arrêt de travail prévu doit être demandé 3 semaines à l’avance.

Tout incident/blessure sur le lieu de travail DOIT être signalé à Manpower immédiatement (même si vous voyez l’une des infirmières sur place)

Rappels : 

  • Veuillez adresser toute question que vous avez sur le paiement et la planification à Manpower. Nous sommes votre employeur et nous sommes heureux de vous aider avec ces questions. 
  • Nous sommes joignables par courriel portland.me@manpower.com, par telephone our par texto 207-774-8314. Nos heures de bureau sont M-F 8:30a-5p, s’il vous plaît laisser un message en dehors des heures d’ouverture et nous répondrons rapidement. Si vous avez une urgence après les heures normales de travail, veuillez communiquer avec Jodie Griffith au 207-653-7291 ou Briana Lagasse au 207-229-2194. 
  • Un représentant de la main-d’œuvre est sur place chez Abbott à Westbrook les mardis et jeudis de 13h à 17h. S’il vous plaît venez nous voir pour répondre à toutes questions ou préoccupations!

Politiques Manpower/Abbott : 

    • Abbott effectue une surveillance de l’horloge et vérifie l’exactitude du temps et de la présence.
    • Lorsque vous êtes inscrit chez Abbott, on s’attend à ce que vous travailliez. Si vous quittez le site pendant votre quart de travail, vous devez pointer et aviser Manpower.
    • Les premières entrées de frappe et les heures supplémentaires doivent être approuvées par un superviseur d’Abbott.
    • Les problèmes de badge doivent être signalés immédiatement à Manpower et Abbott. Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à travailler sans badge de travail.
    • La présence est très importante chez Abbott et les absences excessives prévues ou imprévues ne seront pas excusées
      • Si vous devez manquer un quart de travail prévu, vous devez en informer Manpower avant le début de votre quart de travail.
      • Ne pas signaler une absence avant votre quart de travail prévu est considéré comme une absence non signalée
        • Les absences multiples non signalées, jusqu’à 3, entraîneront un congédiement
    • Vos casiers ne doivent être utilisés que pendant votre quart de travail. Ne laissez pas d’articles dans des casiers pendant la nuit.
    • L’application NAVICA est obligatoire et doit être utilisée pour le test COVID et montrée à la sécurité. Cliquez sur l’un des liens ci-dessous pour obtenir des instructions. Aucune exception.
    • Code vestimentaire: La tenue vestimentaire est décontractée. Consultez les lignes directrices ici.
    • Le non-respect de ces politiques peut entraîner le licenciement.
    • Les changements de position, de vol ou de site ne sont pas autorisés. Toute demande spéciale doit passer par un processus d’approbation et être communiquée à Manpower par Abbott HR et Tapfin avant que des modifications ne soient apportées à votre affectation.
    • La vente et l’achat de quoi que ce soit sur les propriétés Abbott sont strictement interdits. Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici.

    Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le Guide de référence rapide.

Politiques d’Abbott en matière de COVID 

  • Tout rapport faisant état d’un contact étroit ou d’un résultat POSITIF À LA COVID provenant de l’extérieur des tests COVID hebdomadaires d’Abbott DOIT être signalé à Manpower.   
  • Lorsque ces détails seront reçus, une date de retour au travail sera déterminée et partagée avec vous. 
  • Il sera également déterminé si / quand vous devrez refaire un test de dépistage de la COVID pour revenir. 
  • Si votre test est positif lors d’un test hebdomadaire CHEZ Abbott, vous recevrez une date de réajustement au travail et il déterminera si vous devez effectuer un nouveau test de dépistage de la COVID pour être autorisé à revenir. Vous devez informer Manpower de votre résultat et de votre statut, ainsi que de tout changement dans votre retour au travail. 

Règles de paiement de quarantaine COVID *sujettes à changement* 

  • Abbott paiera pour les périodes de quarantaine jusqu’à 10 jours pendant la durée de votre affectation pour les cas qui ont été déterminés comme répondant à leurs critères de contact étroit ou d’infection et vous fournissez les informations nécessaires demandées pour être admissible. 
  • Ces paiements seront basés sur votre horaire de travail régulier. 
  • Ces paiements ne vous seront remis QU’APRÈS votre retour au travail. 

Abbott Associate Policies

Important Note:

All employment-related questions are to be directed to Manpower. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Anything regarding pay/compensation
  • Anything regarding assignment length, timeline, or changes
  • Questions or information regarding benefits, insurance, MEPL, etc.
  • Time off requests must go through Manpower

All planned time away from work must be requested 3 weeks in advance.

Any workplace incidents/injuries MUST be reported to Manpower immediately (even if you see one of the nurses on site)


  • Please direct any questions you have about payment and scheduling to Manpower. We are your employer, and we are happy to assist with these questions.
  • We are reachable by email portland.me@manpower.com, Call or text (207) 774-8314. Our office hours are M-F 8:30a-5p, please leave a message outside of business hours and we will respond promptly. If you have an after-hours emergency, please contact Jodie Griffith 207-653-7291 or Briana Lagasse 207-229-2194.
  • A Manpower Representative is onsite at Abbott in Westbrook on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-5p. Please come see us to address any questions or concerns!

Manpower/Abbott Policies:

  • Abbott is doing timeclock surveillance and auditing time and attendance for accuracy.
  • When you are clocked in at Abbott you are expected to be working. If you leave the site during your shift, you must clock out and notify Manpower.
  • Early punch ins and overtime must be approved by an Abbott supervisor.
  • Badge issues must be reported immediately to Manpower and Abbott. You are not authorized to work without a working badge.
  • Attendance is very important at Abbott and excessive planned or unplanned absences will not be excused
    • Should you need to miss a scheduled shift you are expected to notify Manpower before the start of your shift.
    • Not reporting an absence in advance of your scheduled shift is considered an unreported absence
      • Multiple unreported absences, up to 3, will result in termination
  • Your lockers are only to be used during your shift. Do not leave items in lockers overnight.
  • The NAVICA App is mandatory and must be used to COVID test and shown to security. Click either link below for instructions. No exceptions.
  • Dress Code: The attire is business casual. View the guidelines here.
  • Failure to comply with these policies can result in termination.
  • Position, Flight or Site changes are not authorized. Any special requests must go through an approval process and be communicated to Manpower by Abbott HR and Tapfin before any changes are made to your assignment.
  • The selling and buying of anything on Abbott properties is strictly prohibited. For more information click here.

For more information please see the Quick Reference Guide.

Abbott COVID Policies

  •  Any reports of a close contact or positive COVID result that come from outside of Abbott’s weekly COVID testing MUST be reported to Manpower.
    • When these details are received a return-to-work date will be determined and shared with you.
    • It will also be determined if/when you will be required to re-test for COVID to return.
  • If you test positive during weekly testing AT Abbott you will receive a return-to-work date and it will be determine whether you need to re-test for COVID to be cleared to return. You must notify Manpower of your result and status, and any changes in your return to work.

COVID Quarantine Payment Rules *subject to change*

  • Abbott will pay for quarantine periods up to 10 days during the length of your assignment for cases that have been determined to meet their criteria of close contact or infection and you provide the necessary information requested to be eligible.
  • These payments will be based off of your regular work schedule.
  • These payments will only be issued to you AFTER your return to work.


Old Town Canoe Policies

Smoking, Vaping, & Chewing Tobacco Policy

  • Smoking is ONLY allowed on the property at the designated smoking area/shack located at the corner of parking lot on the left hand side as you drive in the main driveway
  • Inside your personal vehicle – cannot be standing outside your vehicle
    • If smoking in vehicle – cannot be parked next to any buildings
  • Smoking while walking across the property is not allowed, only smoking in the designated areas.
    • We are hearing of many people lighting up and walking across the parking lot smoking, smoking outside their vehicles and the butts are all over the parking lot
  • Cigarettes’ are ONLY to be disposed of in the designated receptacle, not on the ground
    • There is a receptacle for butts in the designated smoking area
    • If smoking in their vehicles they need to extinguish in their vehicles too

Drug and Alcohol Policy.  

Manpower is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace free from the effects of drugs, alcohol and other substances that impair an employee’s ability to work safely and productively.  Employees are prohibited from using or possessing alcohol and illegal drugs either at work or while working, including all forms of marijuana.  For the purposes of this policy, illegal drugs are drugs that are illegal under either state or federal law.

Employees must report to work in a fit and safe condition and any employee who is impaired by alcohol or illegal drugs while working or at work may be disciplined, including the possibility of termination.  A supervisor may determine that an employee is impaired by observing the employee’s behavior.  Examples of the symptoms of impairment include lack of coordination or balance, impact on the employee’s eyes (e.g. red, bloodshot, dilated pupils, glassy, etc.), slurred speech, the odor of marijuana or alcohol, lack of focus and/or other unusual behavior.  If impairment is demonstrated, appropriate action will be taken.

The legal use of prescription medications by an employee is permitted while working provided that it is done under the supervision and approval of a medical provider, and such use does not impair an employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job in a safe manner.  The use and possession of medical marijuana is not permitted while working.

Failure to follow established policies can result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination of assignment.

If you have any questions regarding this, or any other policy please reach out to our office 207-942-6178 or text 207-560-0913

Masking Policy

When Penobscot County falls below the “High” risk rating from the CDC guidance mask wearing is optional vs. mandatory.  It is important to note the following:

  • If an employee has been out on a 5 day isolation due to symptoms or having been exposed – they will be required to wear a mask for an additional 5 days when they are at work per the CDC guidelines
  • Masks are now optional for both Vaccinated AND Unvaccinated people
  • Visitors are no longer required to wear masks as long as they do not have symptoms and have not had symptoms in the past 10 days
  • Old Town Canoe will still be conducting health screenings on all visitors
  • Old Town Canoe will still be doing contact tracing interviews in all situations where someone has been exposed or is exhibiting symptoms and will still be following the CDC guidelines on isolating 5 days where it applies
  • The CDC still recommends that people get vaccinated and stay up to date on their vaccinations
  • The CDC also recommends that anyone who is considered high risk due to underlying health conditions still wear a mask
4 steps to enter the workforce
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4 Steps to Enter the Workforce

4 steps to enter the workforceCongratulations! You did it.

Whether you are crossing the High School or College stage, you are undeniably entering the next phase of your adult life. Graduation is a major milestone that should be celebrated – so before you start worrying about ‘what’s next’ take a moment to honor your achievement and pat yourself on the back.

This summer is all about figuring out what your next best step is. While this time is exciting, it may also be a bit scary due to the uncertainty of what the future holds. Don’t worry – you don’t need to have it all figured out today – your career is a constant journey, and all those friends you have that seem to have it all mapped out, well let’s just say they don’t, and that’s okay too. You are about to start a rewarding journey, and we can’t wait to see how far you go!

No matter where you are in your journey Manpower Maine has your back!

We’ve put together a simple roadmap with 4 steps to enter the workforce to help you get started, simply take one step at a time – and you will always get where you need to go.

Step 1: Identify your professional skills

The first key to job and career success is honest self-reflection and recognizing what you bring to the table. Individuals new to the workforce often make one of two mistakes – over or under-valuing their skillset. Before you begin your job search, you may find taking validated skills assessments can help you identify your strengths & weaknesses.

Step 2: Outline your short & long-term goals

Yes, your road map will change more times than you can count, but you still should have an idea of which direction you are heading. Every job you have can (and should) be a stepping-stone to your next one. So, ask yourself what your goals are and what position can help you achieve that next step.

Step 3: Do a little market research

Beginning your job search with a solid understanding of the current employment market in your area will reduce your frustration and help you make a solid decision when the time comes. You may have an idea of what you want to do for work, but is what you want available? You may have an idea of how much you want or need to earn – but do your financial expectations match the current market rate in your area?

Step 4: Start the job search process

Now that you know your skill sets, your short-term goals, and the reality of the market, you are well-poised to start an effective search. The search process can be overwhelming and defeating if your approach is all over the place. Focus in on what skills you have, what jobs can benefit from those skills, and which jobs or companies will help with your incremental career growth. It is unlikely that you will find your “dream” job when you are just entering the workforce, so it is okay to accept each job for what it is, an opportunity to help you build your employment reputation and your resume for what lies ahead.

Many successful people will tell you everyone’s journey is different, and each journey will be filled with its own unexpected twists and turns. Make the most of your journey, carve your own path, and see where the road takes you. And, if you need help along the way – Manpower is here to help.

Best of luck and congratulations from the Manpower Maine family.

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